Man illness

So I just saw a funny video on Facebook where they show a woman with a cold, still doing every house chore there is.. and then a man with a cold dying in bed..

This reminded me of the time when my husband and I were both sick, cold symptoms.. and I felt this rattle in my chest when I was breathing and I felt like.. it's time to visit the doctor.. so since my husband was having similar symptoms we went together..

and the doctor investigated him and was like oh it's a cold, cough sirup etc..

he investigated me.. and he was very worried because I was having a pneumonia and if my temperature would go up I'd need a hospital visit. And my husband sounded almost desperate when he tried to defend his case saying that we have thesame thing because we have thesame symptoms 🤣

I still ended up doing everything in the house though.. - yes we both work, I'm not a house mom by choice but I work by night and take care of our child by day so I'm doing both -

Anyways just wanted to share because I couldn't react to the Facebook post as my husband would find it insulting if I shared that in public.