feeling baby

how many weeks did you start feeling baby move above belly button or somewhere around that area? i’m 20+3 and still feel baby really low

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They are still so small....I was nearer 30 weeks before feeling higher kicks


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Not until the third trimester


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I felt movements right at 16 weeks but everything I felt was down between my hip bones all the way up until he flipped head down at 33 weeks. Now at 38 weeks, all the “big” movements are under my ribs (feet/knees) and right around my belly button (his butt). When he’s really active, which isn’t that often anymore bc he’s quite squished now 🤣, I can feel his head/shoulders move right behind my bladder and on my cervix (those movements aren’t that fun).


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Not til closer to the 3rd trimester.


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The uterus moves up to around the bellybutton level around 18-20 weeks. I am nearing 25 weeks now and because baby is still so small I feel her move all over from very low to around bellybutton height both on the left and the right.


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With my first I felt him move at Like 18 weeks down low. I have an anterior placenta with this one and still can’t feel her move 🥺 I’m 22 weeks. It depends on how baby is positioned when you’re gonna feel above the belly button