Looking for advice for sick baby

Pretty sure it’s just a cold. Baby’s 10 months & had a mild fever for 2.5 days. Ever since then we’ve been battling with a stuffy nose, which seems to have gotten worse. We’ve been sick about a week now. So far no wheezing but I can hear sometimes it catches in the back of her throat.

I was sick as well & have been blowing my nose a lot & coughing stuff up so I was expecting her to have mucus. (Sorry tmi)

I’m looking for advice on how to help her? I try the nose frida but she absolutely hates it & I can only get a small amount out, that is if I’m successful at all. I’ve got the manual & electric. Electric one is really only good for a distraction

We started putting the shower super hot & sitting in the steamy room for like 5min. It’s helped but not much. I only did it twice today but will try to do it more frequently tomorrow

I worry about her at night

What else should I be doing?