Help Me Solve This Mystery - Chemical Pregnancy


In 2021 I had what I thought was my period on August 24. It lasted longer than normal - 5 full days. My husband and I started trying again on September 6th. After the baby dance I started bleeding and didn't stop for the next 4 weeks. On the fourth day I went to the emergency and found out i was pregnant but HCG level was too low to be a viable pregnancy. So I waited for the 4 weeks for the bleeding to stop.

Fast forward to now and the mystery of why I got my "period" then a week later I was miscarrying lingered in my mind. I had the idea today that is it possible they were twins? I miscarried the first twin in August and the second in September?

No one will know for sure, not even the doctors... but if I can get input from others, I'd appreciate it. I want to know what happened for closure.