Quick gush


My boyfriend is the best thing ever, I would steal the moon for that man.

I have cried countless times in front of him, even before we were dating and he’s never gotten angry or left me because of it.

He lets me hang around for ages even though I know he’s ready for me to leave

He tells me her loves me and gives me countless kisses, even when I don’t ask for them

He wrote me the sweetest card for my birthday

He made a Lego set today and it was so nice to just sit and watch him have fun and build something 🥺

He reassures me when I’m threatened and jealous, which is often, and it’s started to work because I get less scared and jealous when he talks to other girls

He jokes around with me, he makes me laugh, he makes me feel so happy and loved and I just burst with happiness when I think about him