Husband getting high without me while I’m pregnant

Taya • Mommy to Elliotte: 7/9/17 💕 And Killian 3/10/19 💙 Sullivan 7/15/23 💙

Edited to add: I’m not using THC while pregnant! The question is about how I feel emotionally about my husband using it while I’m pregnant.

Earlier this year, my husband and I discovered how fun edibles are. It’s legal in our state, and neither of us (we’re in our mid 30’s) had ever tried any form of marijuana. Our THC journey has been a great bonding experience. We really only do it as a couple thing, after the kids are in bed or when they’re with grandparents. We laugh so much more, feel less stressed out, and have more fun during sex.

We’ve been hoping to get pregnant in the near-ish future, and my husband has always said that he’d stop doing edibles during my pregnancy because it just wouldn’t be the same without me.

Now, I’m 7 weeks pregnant and he is getting high just as often, if not more often, than before. Every day. He even made himself a batch of brownies. I don’t necessarily want him to stop, but now it’s a little annoying because when he’s high he either gets lazy (I.e. I have to do all the responsible stuff) or he’s super hyper, which is annoying when I’m not feeling that way.

I’m not a controlling person, and I don’t feel like he has to stop doing all the fun things just because I’m pregnant, but it just makes me feel a certain way that I can’t put my finger on. Does anyone get where I’m coming from here?