slow growing CRL?

xo • 29 | Oct 2023 🍼 | July 2021 👼 | Dec 2022 👼 |

CRL not rising appropriately?

I had my first US last Wednesday at what I thought was 7 weeks. Baby measured 6w 4d - 6w 5d with a CRL of 7.6mm and a heartbeat!

On Sunday, I started bleeding heavily. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with a large subchorionic hematoma. It was a relief considering I was positive I miscarried - but then I got the US notes from the ER. Their notes state that baby was measuring 6w 5d with a CRL of 8.4mm and a heartbeat higher & better than my last appt. At that point I would be 7w 2d. I’m worried sick over the fact that my baby hardly grew 1mm in 4 days. Is this a bad prognosis? 😭 My follow up scan isn’t until next Wednesday and I don’t know how I’m going to make it.