What would you do in this situation ?


I’m 22 and currently 29 weeks pregnant and this is my first child. Pregnancy has been rough for me. I still experience morning sickness, HG actually because of how bad it is and constantly being on medication. I get the physical symptoms and almost all the bad symptoms of pregnancy. It’s rough but I know it’s worth it. This morning someone asked me how does it feel to actually know that I’m gonna be a mom and reality really hit me like I’m literally gonna be responsible for another human being. I made a post on my WhatsApp status that I was just asked how does it feel to be a soon to be mom and the question really hit me cause it’s scary as hell. So my boyfriend responded to my status saying he doesn’t like when I say things like that because it sounds like a mistake. I explained to him that that’s not true. It’s just simply saying I’m scared. I didn’t post a long paragraph or anything, I just said I’m depressed cause it’s scary as hell. We went on and on it and then he said my status makes me look weak and unattractive. I don’t know if I’m overreacting because I haven’t been able to stop crying since. He’s not the one to be emotional and show his feelings but I’m the total opposite and because I express my feelings I’m seen as weak and unattractive. I’m currently at work and I don’t even know if I want to go home tomorrow cause I really don’t want to face him cause I’m really torn by what he said.