Anxiety and when to seek professional help

Hi everyone, thank you in advance for reading. I was hoping to get some advice. I have dealt with anxiousness (not diagnosed with anything) since I was a pre-teen, however it mostly presented like OCD like symptoms. I had obsessive thoughts, compulsions, and even developed trichotillomania which resulted in bald spots on my head. I overcame a lot of this without professional help (not for lack of trying, but my parents never took any of it very seriously). I’m now 24 and a mom to a nine month old. Recently I’ve been experiencing horrible anxiety. It took me a while to realize what was causing me to feel suddenly sick to my stomach, lightheaded, dizzy, and hot at seemingly random times. After a few months I realized the common denominator was stress. I would become stressed or anxious and those symptoms would quickly follow. I would need to lay down or exit whatever situation I was in or else I would continue to feel horribly sick. I have never been diagnosed with anything nor have I been prescribed anything. I guess I’m just asking what you would do in this situation since stress makes it hard for me to think clearly. Please let me know if you have any thoughts.