Early pregnancy Help!

Samantha • 💍January 27, 2017 • Pcos • Thankful, Grateful, Beyond Blessed Thank God 🙏❤️

Been getting blood drawed to see the hcg levels go up which they have and so my doctor can get an idea of how many weeks pregnant I am and to see if it's a viable pregnancy we haven't done an ultrasound yet do to it being to early to see anything so my guess is that am about 2-3weeks I've had two pregnancies a girl and boy mom and never experienced so it's freaking me out a bit I was having cramping like a week ago which I do remember that's normal in the beginning I don't remember experiencing this much blood we did have sex with the hubby too could it be implantation or the sex or a yeast infection? I've always got a yeast infection at least once during my pregnancies I have no cramping right now so I guess thats a good sign.