Spotting after orgasm- no sex

I always have painful orgasms when I’m pregnant. Like I can actually feel my uterus contracting and it’s sooooo painful.

So for that reason I try not to have any orgasms. Unfortunately when I’m pregnant though I start having orgasms in my sleep and wake up from the pain. I did let my husband get me off last night but not from penetrative sex. Just oral.

I’ve spotted 3 times so far in my pregnancy, just light brown, and every time it’s been the day after I’ve had an orgasm. Twice has been from sleep orgasms and today is the third time I’ve woken up with spotting after oral last night. I’m only 5w4d

I read a lot about spotting from sex because the cervix gets irritated but nothing about spotting from orgasms alone.

I have a history of loss so I’m worried that these orgasms are contributing to my miscarriages..

Does anyone else experience spotting after orgasm when they haven’t had sex. (Just by clitoral stimulation)