Blood pregnancy test


So guys. I’ve been doing these on a monthly this is the first time I’ve had any lines. Well what I can see anyway. Soooooo I’ve bought some more. Get delivered tommrow or Thursday. so the last time I had a period was the 11th October. I was doing ov sticks for long time and nothing until the 17th of November. I’ve been having brown discharge since 23rd and still having discharge now. I done a blood test yesterday and nothing at all. Left it few hours. Looked and again. No line what’s so ever. Today. I did. Left it 5 min because the liquid takes a while to go to the other side. (You can look until 10 min) we’ll the lines there. Can you see it. It’s not changed since it was there and hasn’t disappeared or colour run. (Totally different to pee tests) so what you think???

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