I just realized customer service is 100% a learned skill

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

My biggest skill is customer service. People all the time say that im a saint and that if someone screamed in their face like that they'd be hitting them....

Today I had the epiphany that all the people I know that are great at customer service were abused growing up. It may seem like an intrinsic thing but we've been taught from a young age that when someone is screaming at you or abusing you yelling back does nothing. So we learned to be quiet until its over. Hold out ground in the small ways we can and that we must (according to the job) and then move on with the day.

I dont think people realize that those that are good at this has had over a decades practice by the time we even qualify for a learners permit, let alone me at 30. Its a lot of work, a lot of past practice, and not that "some people are just made for it"... You just were probably raised in a home where you didn't have to practice this skill. Or the difficulties of your childhood required the opposite... to fight back.

But I hate that its not seen as a valuable and well worked skill.