How do I keep wean my 10 month off my boob



She’s 10 months old. Doesn’t take a bottle or eat anything but maybe 2 bites of purées sometimes. I still want to give her breast milk I just don’t want her to be on my boob anymore. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! 💜

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Posted at
Colourful boiled veg and eat with her!


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Does she drink water? Tur the same bottle or cup? Tried normal food instead of baby food?


Rachel • Nov 29, 2022
Try food first when she is hungry and milk after. Just keep offering milk in cup or bottle and with plenty of time for baby to explore and get there on their own (and then hopefully breast to top up after that if needed). Just gotta reduce offering breast more and more while letting her build confidence and skills with foods / bottles. Won’t be an immediate switch necessarily. Good luck :)


Silje • Nov 29, 2022
Tried BLW? I second what C wrote about consulting a speech therapist to get further help.


Aileen • Nov 29, 2022
Yes she drinks water from like a regular cup. But we’ve tried with my breast milk & she won’t . I’ve given her real food just while like the purée she won’t eat it. She seems really interested when I’m eating it but when I offer it to her she won’t have it


Posted at
That’s why I’m asking for advice on how to get her off. Do you recommend any good sippy cups? We’ve tried but like I said on the post she doesn’t eat more than 2 spoons of it. Again do you have any advice ??? If not then you’re comment isn’t very helpful.


C • Nov 29, 2022
I would start with the 360 cups. Or a straw cup. And really really try to get her to eat more real foods. No purées. Maybe consult a speech therapist as they help with eating also or a pedi nutritionist. And honestly at this age it may be harder to wean of them breast and give breastmilk in sippy cup. Other than bottle when I was at work, I never gave my girls breastmilk in any other form but breast. Sippy cups were for water only.


Posted at
If she doesn’t take a bottle then how are you going to still give breastmilk? Sippy cup I hope. And by now baby should be on real foods and having them for sure twice a day and slowly starting 3 times a day.