Need to vent šŸ˜¢

Rach ā€¢ 33yo - šŸŒˆšŸ‘¶ 6/16/2023 šŸŽ€ (one prior MC) Will be TTC again later!

Hi June moms - Iā€™m 12w1d

I waited weeks for my first appointment, havenā€™t heard a heartbeat, havenā€™t had an ultrasound- watching everyone else get theirā€™s and even the articles talking about ā€œyou should have had x,y,z by nowā€.. because this birth center near me (there arenā€™t many options here) seemed ideal.

Finally I go to the first appointment and they announce to a group of us that they have new owners and wont be taking insurance now, plus their fee seems pretty high out of pocket.

šŸ˜­ I still havenā€™t heard the heartbeat etc.

Guess Iā€™m just a stupid and picked the wrong horse.