My boyfriends ex


My boyfriend ex will not leave him alone and it’s so annoying. My boyfriend always lets me know when she tries to reach out to him. He persistently told her to respect our relationship and leave us alone. He had to block her number and all of her social media accounts .

So as I mentioned earlier he has her number blocked. He gets a text message last night saying “hey you gave me your number at the bar and told me I could text you whenever”. He thinks it’s a prank but it’s iMessage so I know it’s someone’s iPhone. I have an app on my phone to show you caller ID and when I put the number in it was her friends phone. He blocked the friends number too.

It just blows my mind how her friends can allow her to embarrass herself like this now so many times.

The first incident I had w her being crazy I empathized with her because I remember once being crazy. But when my exes moved on and got new girlfriends I never tried to inject myself into their relationship and be some sort of topic.

It’s so frustrating always having to be the bigger person. I refuse to give anyone a reaction.