Half Marathon Training Postpartum


I have always wanted to run a half marathon and I think I’m ready to commit it to training AFTER I give birth in March. I’ve never ran anything more than a 5k, BUT I’m very active (crossfit 3-5x a week for the past 5 years, even through two pregnancies) and I was an elite college volleyball player. I don’t enjoy running but I know I can set this goal and stick to it to get a half marathon under my belt with the support of my husband and a good plan.


How soon postpartum should I be able to officially start training? I went back to CrossFit at 6 weeks PP with my first. Im sure once I am released, I will need a couple of weeks to just move again and feel human.

What time of year do races typically ramp up? I live in texas and can train in the early mornings, but it makes sense for races to not be in the summer.

What advice to you have for me? 🫶🏼