
After two years of trying to get pregnant with my husband. We took a break from trying, I stopped tracking and honestly kept myself busy so I didn’t think about it. I kept taking my prenatal’s and missed my period last month…. I had some spotting so I really didnt think I could be pregnant. But I tested anyways and finally had positive tests (I took 3 different kinds all positive lol) and I’ve been having so many (good/normal) symptoms I tried to just push off as stress or my hormones so I went to the clinic this morning for a blood test and this is real!!!! I’m not dreaming!!!! Can’t wait to see my little peanut on ultrasound this week. Est. Due date is 7/27/23 🤰👩🏼‍🍼👨‍👩‍👦👶🍼

I just wanna say to all the ladies that feel hopeless or like they want to give up because they feel it will never happen- don’t give up!!!

Sending baby dust to all my girls TTC❤️❤️