Advice please!! 😵‍💫

Anyone else have something similar happen?? (Warning - TMI...)

Anyone else had clear signs of pregnancy (including blood work without HCG) but no BFP then AF around due time? My DRs are confused as well as to why this happened the last 2-3 months.

12 dpo:

No positive tests yet but I've been having bad indigestion and some nausea for the past week. (Tmi but threw up in my mouth like once a day. Happened in the middle of the night, evening, and morning.)

Watery discharge for a few days, one creamy, then dry for the last 4-5 days.

Cramping like a pinch/pulling/tugging yesterday.

No other cramping or pain until literally

right now as I started writing this. Felt like light period cramps for like 10 min. No spotting an usually I do for 2-3 days No boob tenderness but very sensitive.

before AF.

Extra extra tired. Dizziness off and on.

Loose ligaments (I have arthritis and that's not normal.)

Gained like 5 lbs.

Bloated and can't fit in my pants

13 dpo:

Light cramping felt like ovulation pain.

Little bit of brownish-red spotting and a tiny clot.

14 dpo:

AF due today 😬

Had a chemical last month and possibly the month before. It was the same symptoms only stronger this month. Didn't throw up last month, had some spotting, and peed like crazy.