Egg Rtvl tmrw!


Hi ladies! My egg retrieval is tomorrow Dec 7 and I couldn't be more ready. Years and years of trying, im 33 now and figured we needed help as in getting older, we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility of course. Estrogen was 6800 yesterday and i had at least 8 mature follicles each side. The only side effect of stims i have been experiencing is lower back pain mainly left side. Similar to what I've experienced when a UTI turns into a kidney infection if you can relate to that. Oh and my nips are very sore, no bra! I was on stims for 12 nights (150 menopur and 225 gonal-f in the evening with cetrotide in the am). I triggered day 13 with lupron and egg retrieval is day 15. Fingers crossed for several beautiful embryos. Elected to do ICSI and, at the embryologist's discretion, assisted hatching. So long as i don't become a higher risk of ohss we plan to do a 5 day blast transfer on Monday Dec 12. So crazy this is where we are in this journey!

Anyone else getting their egg retrieval this week with a fresh transfer in hopes of a holiday miracle? What's your story?