Some men are so rude 🙄

Yonna • 19❤️ Jaylin & Kaylin💙

Today I woke up to various messages on instagram from a male, I barely knew. At a point we was talking as friends but I don’t remember what happened because it was some time ago, but i ended up blocking him. Some time goes by he texts me off another page saying Hey, the page was private all i seen was a profile picture it didn’t really look like him but I could barely seen it at the same time. I text back who is this, then he goes to say unblock him. I asked again who is this, then he says the same thing. I didn’t reply after that. Sometimes went by again yesterday or the day before he texts me again saying the same things again. I just up in said no, if I blocked you I blocked you for a reason. He texts me today talking about i’m so ugly to take care of my children that my children father probably left me after he got me pregnant talking about my friend who died called me broke said he wanted something bad to happen to me said i was nobody cause on that page i only had 100 followers it was so childish is weird😳all because I didn’t want to unblock. Then on top of that none of what he said was even true literally made it all up I might be ugly to him I don’t know, or care but i’m sure as hell not broke sure as heel take care of my children n they father does too i work a full time job is at a hospital in wish I can be with my babies all day but know this is where i need to be for them. Anywho, I’ve had this happen more then once though like if i didn’t want to have sex with a guy in he gets mad in says rude stuff like that. Like I never understood why do men be so mad if s women doesn’t like them or want to talk to them.