Hidden twin ?

Fortunata • Alhamdoulilah 🤲🏽 Baby dust! Baby dust! Baby dust ✨✨✨

Hey !

Is it possible for a twin to be missed up to 8 weeks?

I’m currently 13 weeks 1 d pregnant and I have had 2 ultra sounds so far. 1 at 6 weeks and one at 8 weeks. The first ultrasound the dr told me my uterus was very big and she wouldn’t be surprised if another baby popped up. She didn’t look for another baby tho the whole ultrasound lasted about 1min which I was very bummed out about. Then the second ultrasound she just looked for a heartbeat measured the baby and told me everything was fine. If it was twins she would’ve picked it up at the second scan right ? or is it possible that baby number 2 is hiding?

I’ve been having dreams about twins.

My mom had a dream I was pregnant with twin boys but she doesn’t even know I’m pregnant yet.

(We also did early gender test and it’s a boy)

I have 2 other children and with them I never had morning sickness and with this one’s the sickness has been way worse.

I’m also so out of breath all the time.

I don’t know maybe I’m overthinking this. Just wanted to know if this has every happened to any of you twin mommas, at how many weeks you found out you were having twins and what your early symptoms were ?

Thank you so much