I hate video games

My SO uses video games as a outlet after a long day of work; while I understand that this is a way for him to relax, it irritates me at the same time.

Let me explain, so nearly every day he spends most of his time on the game after work or on his days off. It irritates me because I feel like I barely get to spend time with him, typically during dinner we eat together but yesterday he was so preoccupied with the game that he apparently didn’t here me state that dinner was ready. So I ate alone and went upstairs, I didn’t say anything to him because I know that if it meant something to him to spend time with me, he would.

In turn, I’m not going to say anything at all anymore, his friends and video games don’t make food for him, they don’t clean after him, they don’t wash his clothes. Now, neither do i, because if I’m not a priority for at least 30 mins to an hour. Then I’m not going to break my back to make sure he is a priority for me.

Edit: let me be clear, i understand that video games are a outlet for him, I’m not asking for a whole day, I’m asking for maybe an hour a day. I don’t want him to stop playing the video game because I know it’s something he loves. I stay because I do love him. He is a good man, however i also know that my feelings are my responsibility. There is a reason I’m ranting as I do not want to approach this with anger. I want to approach this with a level head so that I can communicate with him better.