Breast feeding, pumping, and thrush

I'm 5 weeks pp and I have been breast feeding since day one but started pumping once or twice a day for the last two weeks. I found out my boy has 3 pretty bad oral ties and he's not able to eat effectively or effeciently. I've been pumping after he eats and I replace one feeding with pumping so I can give him a bottle to make sure he's eating enough.

My problem is I think I have thrush. Babe doesn't seem to be showing any signs according to the doctor but I have deep breast pain that isn't getting better with a nipple shield for better latching. Instead of constantly washing and sterilizing pump parts after every use (i also have a 4 year old) I was hoping to just breast feed until the thrush is gone and feed babe bottles from the little stash I have in the freezer. If I do this to save myself some time and hassle will my supply tank? If so is it easy to get back? With my oldest we didn't have a good breast feeding journey and I barely produced enough to feed her so I feel like I'm starting from scratch in this area. I will add I am working with a lactation consultant but I don't have another meeting with her until after my son's oral ties are fixed. And I'm currently waiting for insurance to approve the procedure and I'm not sure how long that will take