15 dpo and out this month 😢


Had super super light pink spotting yesterday morning and nothing else the rest of the day. Then this morning was supposed to be testing day, as soon as my husband noticed I was up (sent him a meme on insta) he and our friend (both military) called me and were urging me to take one as they were super excited to find out as well (it was super cute tbh.) So I put them on mute and went to do my thing but noticed as soon as I wiped that there was heavy light brown spotting, so I already prepped myself for a negative. They chatted on the line for a bit until the wait was up and they (took a frer and a pink line clear blue) were negative. My husband sounded so sad 😭. But, as it was our first month trying, there is a better chance at a positive next month. I swear I could have felt implantation at 10 dpo (a little late, but felt similar to ovulation pain to the left, a pinching/jabbing sensation) and the egg just didn’t take completely or the egg didn’t and my body was just playing tricks. I’m a little disappointed, but also looking forward to trying again. Fingers crossed for next month guys! 🤞🏻😭