Guy I’ve been talking to?

me & this guy started talking in october,

met up november 2nd & have met up like 5-6 times after that. I think we both rlly like each other & he’s a rlly nice guy. I’m f16 & he’s m17 btw.

Anyways, we usually text a lot during the days.

Last week we were talkin’ but just not as much as we usually do (but didn’t rlly think much about it).

But that Friday (last week) I got a random phone call from him, which I didn’t expect…but it was rlly sweet.

He called & said “Hey how are you? I just wanted to call & say I’m sorry that we didn’t talk much this week. I’ve been busy with school & work. But maybe I can drive up to you next week” I overthink sometimes & need reassurance & he knows that, so getting that phone call was rlly nice. But he rlly didn’t have to say sorry about not texting much cuz we still had been texting at least 5min everyday of that week🤷🏻‍♀️(but still sweet that he called!)

Now, I totally understand if someone’s busy or if somethings going on and they can’t text. That fine, everyone’s busy sometimes. But something feels off & idk what.

Anyways…here I am a week later (after phone call) overthinking again. This week we haven’t texted at all, NOTHING. I’ve texted him a FEW times during this week & just said “good morning” & “how are you” & stuff like that. But I didn’t text everyday cuz I didn’t wanna seem clingy / annoying if he’s actually busy. I also texted him 2h ago as well (after not texting him for 2 days) & said “Hey, I hope you’re okay. I just wanted to say goodnight and that I miss you”. Then I saw that he was active 5min after I sent the text, but still no reply. (He’s been active some of the other days too, or maybe everyday, idk…but no replies/texts back. He doesn’t seem THAT busy too me since he’s active online. He could at least let me know that he’s okay)

He (used to) always text me and tell me when he’s busy/gonna be busy. He’ll say “Hey darling, I’m sorry I’m busy working. I’ll text you later okay?” or “I’m busy right now, but I can always make time for you!”

I do trust him, I don’t rlly think he’s talking to someone else. & I feel like he wouldn’t just leave me without saying anything. But I feel like something might be off…But maybe he’s actually busy, who knows. I just find it a little bit weird. At this point im just tired & I’m just not gonna text him. If he wants to text me he can, I feel like I’ve showed that I care now. I guess im just a lil hurt/confused cuz I don’t know what’s going on right now.

Am I crazy for thinking like this? What should I do? What do y’all think?