

Hi all! 👋

Ok so I’m 6 month pp and last week I was a couple days late on my period and felt off so I tested and it was a vvvvfl. Next day seemed a little darker but still really faint. Next day started bleeding and cramping heavily so assumed a chemical pregnancy. I decided to test a couple days after that to see if a line would pop up and it did but still very faint so I started thinking I didn’t have a chemical at all and those were indents. ****side note**** I’m also a poas 😂 never thought I would ever have to even take one again cuz we decided our third baby would be last baby but still waiting on husband to stop procrastinating and get fixed… but anyways tested again today (9 days ago was period start date) and vfl again! But this time it’s darker and more noticeable! What is going on? Am I crazy and these are just insane indents? Anyone have a similar story and ended up being pregnant?

Top pic is last week and bottom is today. Both pics taken within 3 mins. And yes, I’m going to make a doc apt to settle my insane mind and just find out through bloods. But until then, just wondering if anyone has had this happen before?