Low Iron!



I am 25 weeks pregnant and I received a call from doctor telling me that I passed the sugar test (not sure what it called) but my iron is low and if it did not increase I need to take iron infusion I believe it is called (not sure).

To be honest I'm kind of scared. I hear some people saying that it hurts, it can cause stomach pain, headache, dizziness and so on.

I want to know if you had it and what was your experience.

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Posted at
The iron infusion doesn’t hurt it’s just like a drip. Take the tablets though and see if it helps.


Mummylove12 • Dec 23, 2022
Yeah they’re not nice have you asked for a liquid option


A • Dec 23, 2022
I do take them and my doctor want me to take 2 a day. I did and it made me sick.


Posted at
I had low iron at 28 weeks and was told that if the iron tablets didn't work I'd need an infusion but the iron tablets worked fine.


CJ • Dec 18, 2022
Best of luck!


A • Dec 17, 2022
I'm taking iron tablets and my doctor said to take two tablets a day.


Posted at
Have not heard of that, but I have had low iron and my doctor recommended a supplement. I wonder if this might be an option for you to help increase your iron levels. I had good success with slow release iron that can be picked up over the counter. Maybe talk with your doctor and see if that might be an option for you and what dosage they would recommend.