I want honest opinions,

Hey, so we’ve been baby dancing unprotected for a while and I’ve been having pregnancy symptoms. Thought I had implantation bleeding, sore nipples, throwing up, bloated, tired, extremely thirsty etc..

My period is late by 4 days which is not normal for me, I tested but it’s not a BFP however it’s not a BFN either; I swear I see the faintest positive but it’s been the faintest positive for a few days not getting darker so idk if it’s just an indent but I swear it’s pink.

I’m confused whether to think “Okay, not pregnant just oddly late” or to think “I’m having all these symptoms and I feel like I am”.

❎ My question is, should I go to the doctor and have a blood test done? Or should I just ignore all of it and see if my period comes?

I feel like I’m definitely pregnant though.