Kristyn • Four angel babies. 👼🏻 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻 2nd IVF cycle We are praying for our miracle.


6 day Frozen Embryo Transfer with genetic testing. Grade BB

Monday 12/19 11DPT BETA 17.1

Wednesday 12/21 13DPT BETA 42.2 4 weeks and 4 days.

Friday 12/23 15 DPT BETA 131.7 4 weeks and 6 days

Wednesday 12/28 20DPT BETA 886.2 5 weeks and 4 days

The little embryo that could. Praying everything keeps going up! 🙏🏼😭


Anyone have a SUPER low BETA and a successful pregnancy? Mine was 17.1. Tested on 11DPT. It was a frozen embryo that we had genetically tested. I finally registered on a digital today as pregnant which hasn’t happened before so I’m hoping it’s rising. They want us back in tomorrow to retest. God give me hope. 😞🙏🏼