Very serious question about my kid

I was wondering is a 3 year old touching her lil cooter normal ? I know boys do that but I never heard about lil girls. She doesn’t do it often but the fact that she does concerns me. I have child hood trauma so stuff like that gives me really bad anxiety. I literally had a panic attack and almost ended up in the hospital because I saw she did it when she was using the bathroom. I feel like my depression is coming back. I used to think she was autistic which she isn’t and just because she is hyper , kinda aggressive and don’t listen and don’t really like her hands wet . I went to google and it says adhd. I am so stressed out and constantly crying. Please don’t come on here judging because I’m a first time mom.

Update : I see you guys saying it’s a vagina . I know that and I literally tell her it’s a vagina so yes I am well aware my loves . I just said lil cooter on here.