Is it really still my ex?

*I have posted this before, I just like to know others’ opinion since this situation makes me feel crazy*

My ex and I have been split (on his terms) as of like 6 months ago now. He was abusive and it escalated really fast when it ended, to the point he tried to choke me near our kids. He also left a permanent scar on my arm from when I was pregnant. Our oldest was scared of him. It just wasn’t good. 6 months later and I moved on. I have a restraining order and also recently got full custody. It scared me because it’s something he told me he would murder me for and described a “slow and painful death, as opposed to just shooting me” (he was a gun owner before the order revoked that right.) When I got away, he got really creepy. First used someone else to still keep tabs on me, then tried to use 3rd party to lure my kids and i away, then has made multiple accounts (probably 4 times?) of people I know to try to trick me into adding them and talking to him. Two of the accounts mentioned him and asked about him. Then I got a boyfriend and he stopped. I became single last week and it’s started back up again. Today, I had an account add me under someone I thought I knew, so I added it and the snap score seemed really low. I played dumb, asked who it was and how he got my Snapchat (it said added by user). He said “your ex” and then started saying how he “always had a crush on me” which I’ve barely ever even talked to this person, so I assumed he was going to try to catfish me? Idk. But I immediately blocked it once I realized it was (I’m guessing him?) but now I’m worried, especially because of his last threats of expressing wanting to kill me. I thought he would’ve gotten bored. Especially since he also has a girlfriend.

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