My friend won't let me dog on her sofa when we visit but he's not doing any harm by going on it. Am I being rude by not telling him to get off, or is she being rude by not being respectful to her guests?

My friend is picky about her sofa and when I visit her, she's always telling my dog to get off of it. She keeps telling me that she doesn't want him on her sofa but I don't think it's fair when he's never been told to stay off a sofa before. Plus, he's clean and he's not hurting anything when he's on the sofa. She doesn't give me a real reason why he's not allowed on the sofa, just that she doesn't want pets on her sofa.

The last time I went I brought his blanket and put it on the sofa so he could go on it without her worrying and she told me that he still wasn't allowed on the sofa. She told me that I've been rude about it and why can't I just keep the dog off her sofa. I told her that she's being rude by expecting an animal to stay off her sofa. I let her sit on my sofa when she visits, why can't she let my dog sit on her sofa 🤷🏼‍♀️

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