Am I overreacting or am I being ghosted?


Hi all,

I made a previous post about communication with a guy that I’m currently dating. We have been dating for about a month, so we’re still learning / getting to know each other.

I’m writing this post bc I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or if he’s ghosting me or loosing interest. We have been having some form of daily communication, however, he still has not responded back to my text sent two nights ago… which is unlike him (so I think). I then called him yesterday- last night (no answer) and then send a f/u text stating “I hope your day went well” bc from our last convo he was stating that he was going to have a busy day.

Today is the morning of day two and I’m going to see if he’s going to respond back, however, at this point I feel like I’m loosing interest due to lack of communication or me feeling like he’s ignoring me/ ghosting me.

So what do y’all think… is he ghosting me? Or should I give him some more time to respond? I just feel like the trend of communication is going down and I don’t want to continue to pursue a dating relationship if it continues to trend like this…so should I wait for him to respond and inform him of my feelings or should I shoot him a long text explaining how I feel?