Is my boyfriend gay?

I’ve been dating my bf for a year. We matched on bumble and didn’t meet for 7 months. I wasn’t really into him that much but he insisted just for one date. I really liked him after we met in person & It’s been a great year. I decided that it was time for some of my family to meet him so he came over for a Xmas dinner with just my cousins. After the dinner I felt everyone kinda off. I asked them individually what they thought of him and they all said he was a bit feminine , or that he was not my usual type but my youngest cousin just said he believed he was gay. It never even crossed my mind but now I’m really confused.

I’ve been thinking about the things he does that might lean towards him being gay. For example , When we go out he loves to twerk. Full on , hands on knees and does the duck face. The entire night ( I always just ignored it) He only watches RomComs and Musicals. Not into action movies. I’ve never seen his roommate with a girl or a had a girlfriend yet , but it’s only because he’s a ‘player’(allegedly). He always asks what brands I’m wearing. Lastly , something I really don’t mind at all but his dad is transgender.

I really wouldn’t mind if he was I just want to know so I don’t waste my time . What do I do? Ask him?

Thank you for your comments ☺️ BUT my confusion and doubts came after my cousins met him. They are all convinced he is & obviously protecting me and my feelings. I will ask him directly tho. If he is , y’all can have him/her or whatever 😂 byeeeee ✌🏽