Please help, desperate

Louise • teacher-mama of 2💜💙

Hi! My daughter is nearly 18 months old. She has been being sick for roughly the last 2 weeks, it 90% of the time happens at night (7pm-12am) and it can happen a couple of times within those hours. The vomit is very very chunky, although she still doesn’t have any molars so not sure if she’s not chewing very well. She seems absolutely fine in herself during the day and you would never have known she’d be sick pretty much every night for 2 weeks.

She’s also within the last few days been having a lot more frequent poos, up to 6 a day and very loose in consistency.

I’ve been trying to get through to the doctor but no luck as of yet, I’m not sure it’s urgent enough for a&e but I’m starting to panic.

Has anyone been through this? Or have any idea what it could be?