Endometrial cancer ⚠️


If anyone has had or is going through having endometrial cancer can you PLEASE reply to this post!!!

What was your first signs / symptoms.

I have pcos and have had ultrasounds. They were originally worried about my lining as it was thick. Had a checkup ultrasound last year and it had lessened a little.

I am now on the progesterone only pill and haven’t ovulated and don’t as it stops it. Therefore I haven’t had a period in nearly 4 months.

I am experiencing bloody discharge. Fresh blood in my discharge with sometimes so gloopy brown blood. Kind of similar to when you’re just starting your period. But it has been over 24 hours and I haven’t started properly. It could just be spotting. But I was told to look out for signs of endo cancer as I’m at high risk with pcos. And this is one of them. Is it just period? Or should I be worried 😟