Help pls,

Back In March on the 13 I had sex with a dude I had been seeing for 5months straight the very nexts day I had sex with a friend ( I know very stupid I regret it everyday ) I found out I was pregnant March 29th . From day 1 guy #2 have said he didn't cum and that he didnt get the feeling of about to cum because during the time it was happening it was awkward, he stopped and stood up I asked him why he stopped and he told me to turn away for backshot but I felt like he came in me so I said no went to the restroom because it was wet down there idk if it was from me or wat because I was ovulating at the time I think just clear stretchy , no smell my whole pregnancy hes said he didn't. I had my daughter nov 24th the dude i was with for did a home dna and it came back 0% he wanna do another cause he think it was tampered with, his girlfriend had mailed it off while he was at work, I've asked the other to take to test since he's sure its not his and he will not take it no matter how many times I beg him , he's called me delusional and sick for trying to pin a baby on him and trying to mess up wat he has going on , wat do yall think about this who could it be ?