ovarian cyst pain without bursting

i had pain from an ovarian cyst for the first time in my life today. i was completely fine one minute, and the next i was in excruciating pain on my left lower side and back. it felt like someone was sticking a hot poker through me for 5-6 hours. i had an ultrasound, blood tests, urine tests, x rays, etc and they found a cyst on my left ovary that hadn’t even burst. i guess what happened was that my body is preparing to start my period in a week and that inflamed the cyst? has anyone else experienced something like this where they are in excruciating pain from a cyst that hasn’t even burst? it was so bad i was screaming and crying and basically begging someone to help me. i couldn’t even walk from the pain so i had to be in a wheelchair. i have to go to an ob in a week to see if i have pcos, which runs pretty heavily in my family. they gave me iv toradol in the hospital which helped with the pain after almost an hour. all they gave me for pain for home was tylenol 600’s even though my pain was consistently at a 10 my whole visit. i’m just so worried the pain is going to come back and all i’m going to have to help it is a prescription for tylenol 600’s that didn’t even touch the pain when i took some before going to the hospital.