Any ideas??


Okay so My baby is ebf - she’s 6 months next week. She had COVID so she’s been really stuffy, but the last few days when she nurses she’s been really weird. She’s totally fine on my right side which is usually my slacker boob, but when she’s on my left side she latches and then rolls her head up so the back of her head is near my chin 🤷‍♀️ she does fine once she’s got me good and yanked into place, but she just will not feed in a normal position.

My supply is normal and I do suction her nose before feedings which she hates but she can at least breathe while she’s eating. Any ideas why she may be doing this?

Could it be her ear bugging her? She sleeps just fine, rolls side to side, it doesn’t seem to matter for sleep which ear is down, is just weird that during feeds she won’t nurse that side laying on my arm like she’s always done.