Feeling down about embryo grades

Genoa • 🌈 Baby 🎀 born 9/5/21 - 4BB 5 day embryo Currently pregnant with our day 5 4BC embryo that thawed as a 2BB and became a 3BB at time of transfer.

I had 32 eggs retrieved, 30 were mature, I don’t remember how many fertilized and 12 made it to blast. 6 days 5’s and 6 day 6’s. In my photo below, the top 6 are the day 5’s.

My 1st transfer was the 4AA (day 5) and it resulted in a chemical. My 2nd transfer was a 4BB (day 5) and resulted in my 15 month old daughter. My 3rd transfer just failed and was a day 6 4BA.

I’m not feeling great about the quality of embryos that I have left. I feel like the clinic will choose a day 6 4BB next over a day 5 embryo but I don’t know how I feel about using another day 6 embryo. I know the grading is supposed to just be a beauty contest but I can’t help but feel bad about all the C quality grades.

Looking for positive stories about similar qualities resulting in live births