Breastfeeding moms


So for those experienced breastfeeding moms…

I’m thankfully producing enough milk this time, I have a heavy letdown so I’m trying to control how much baby gets of it so we can succeed. He’s doing better now that I’m aware at first he would choke, gulp, ect. My problem is that when he’s breastfed he tends to spit up afterwards (he’s 1 month old) this just started happening this week. Now if I collect and bottle feed with a preemie nipple he doesn’t spit and barely has any gas when I burp him. Im no expert but I’ve kinda ruled out food sensitivity through breast milk since it doesn’t happen when bottle fed. Should I just pump and bottle feed? I can’t take watching him suffer although I would prefer to breastfeed only. It’s new to me so I’m trying everything I find online to help and it has but he’s still spitting a few times a day.