Ladies with PCOS - Ever conceived on your own?

Nicole • Married 3 years! 💞 TTC for 3 years. MC 11/15. BFP 3/16. First baby due December 1st, 2016!!!
Hey ladies, 
Sadly - I'm back. 
We found out <a href="">IUI</a> #3 worked back in October and miscarried in November. We're not allowed to go back to assisted fertility until I've gone through an entire cycle - so January we'll be back to trying another cycle of <a href="">IUI</a>. 
Im curious though, has anyone ever conceived on their own after going through <a href="">IUI</a> cycles? We're attempting to try on our own this month, but of course, because I have PCOS I cannot use any of those at home ovulation kits. I'm basically just covering the entire time frame of all the times we've had our IUIs in the past (Cycle Day 13 - Cycle Day 17). 
Just looking for some kind of hope that it is indeed possible for us to have some luck this month! The first month trying after our miscarriage! 
Thanks ladies!! Baby dust to you all!