
So, I found out on the 27th (very first test), 2 days before my missed period that I was pregnant! I’m due Sept 8th. It’s my first and I’m totally overthinking everything lol, I try not to but I totally can’t help it! So I’ve been testing 2xs a day or 3xs a day.

The second test is from the 28th at 2:00 AM , the third BOTH are from Dec 29th (my birthday) at 8:19 PM the last two were from today at 3:23 pm. My first appointment is Jan 27th, I haven’t told anyone yet, waiting until I do my sono

and pregnancy confirmation at the appointment.

The test line hasn’t been darker than the control line nor have I had “dye stealer” , I’ve been experiencing light nausea and cramping and tugging, I keep thinking it’s a Mc happening but it’s not when I check , what can i do to ease my mind and not worry so much!? How did you not worry when you felt the cramps and how often did you test or should I ask when did you stop testing