Could I be pregnant? (Please read description

I'm 27, I've been pregnant 5 times... I know how it feels and how a body reacts. My last cycle was at the end of October, on November 13 I was intimate with my partner I was having ovulation symptoms contented to start to have pregnancy symptoms took a pregnancy test Nov 28, and then again Dec 4 both seemed negative. Still having pregnancy symptoms haven't had a period since October no bleeding at all... The last pregnant test I took would have been just shy of 6 weeks pregnant (4 weeks after conception) if I was/am pregnant. I would be 9 now... And I continue to have symptoms. Has anyone ever had something like this to happen to them? Is it even possible? Can you be pregnant and test negative on a home pregnancy test? Just needing some answers I feel like I'm crazy if I ask anyone about it...

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