What did you consider when expanding your family?


Would love hear opinions on why some chose to have or not have a 4th baby?

I currently have a 4 year old, 2 year old and an 8 month old. Hubby said if we have a fourth and final he'd like a similar age gap that our current kids have which is under 2 years apart. This means I would have to start trying now.

I don't have issues with pregnancy or birth so far. But I don't feel ready to be pregnant again but I wouldn't mind another baby.

Financially we talk about whether or not 4 kids is sustainable (especially since things have gone up in price like crazy) and wether or not I'd stay home or go back to work and send all 4 to daycare. Hubby can support us all and live comfortably, but a large vacation with 6 would be a splurge.

Also I'm worried about splitting myself between 4 kids and being able to give them all the attention they deserve, plus not wearing myself down while doing so.

I guess I'm thinking outloud, and would love to hear what others thought about or considered when expanding their families?

Thanks Mama's!