NURSE SEEKING NURSE ADVICE * Pregnant Nurse Stay in Home Care or Switch to Hospital Position?

Good Morning, I am considering a change of position in my nursing career and am seeking some very much needed insight! For the past 4 years I was working and managing an 85+ resident assisted living and memory care community. In the midst of COVID our DON left the community leaving only myself with 2 other nurses to cover 24/7 care. I was slowly transitioned into the DON position against my desire but did it for my colleagues and residents. Once I saw the community through 4 rounds of COVID and we secured a new DON I felt it was time for me to move on. About 5-6months prior to leaving the community I began an in person bridge program and the stress from work began to reflect my grades. I found it tasking to work 5 days a week and EOW then attend school in the evenings from 5pm-10pm. I eventually made the change to Skilled Home Care Nursing and found home care to be immensely more suitable for studying. Unfortunately, in July there was a death in the family leaving me in the position of Executrix of an Estate, resulting in taking a leave which turned permanent from my nursing program. It has now been about 5months and I am still currently working in home care. Now that I am taking a break from school, Homecare is not fulfilling my nursing desire. I am craving so much more and find myself truly missing the ‘controlled chaos’ from my previous nursing position. I am blessed to be in a position currently where my hourly rate is great and my 8hr days 5 days a week consists of about only 2-3hours of actual hands on care during my shift, the other hours are spent sitting around watching the clock tick. Despite absolutely loving the families that I currently provide care for I am severely yearning to utilize more of my nursing skills, to get back out into the community and work within a team of nurses and get back into the constant go, go, go of the day! I recently applied and received the opportunity to interview for a few positions at my local community hospital which has always been my goal to work in a hospital setting especially the ER! The positions I am presented with are a Triage Nurse position working 3-12’s and EOSunday or a Monday-Friday no weekends 8-5p outpatient office based within the hospital. I have a very supportive husband along with two young bonus children and we recently found out that we are expecting our first bundle of joy together expected to arrive around late July! My desire for more is becoming stronger and I am unhappy with my current day to day predictability. I am finding the decision to leave HomeCare difficult and scary. Despite the pay and hours being amazing, along with the work load being very simple and lite. I am able to get my kids onto the bus and be home and present to do homework with them and make dinner. Along with no longer feeling fulfilled or happy doing what I am currently doing… My current employer does not offer paid sick days, tuition reimbursement, benefits are okay, nor do they offer maternity leave. The potential new hospital position provides all of these benefits along with on-site child care once I do return after maternity leave. I am aware that I may not receive maternity leave as soon as starting as a new employee and am unsure as how to ask about all of the benefits, including if they offer maternity leave, without disclosing that I am expecting in Late July in fear of being not offered the position. My plan is to continue my education during my maternity leave, with an online BSN program that I have already begun the admissions process with. My sister works in another local hospital and has made me aware of how the madness and short staffing continues even post-pandemic and supports my decision either way! I am torn if the best option for my mental state and pregnancy would be to stick it out with home care until I deliver around late July, or do I make the leap now and start a new position at a hospital that will be physically, mentality and financially rewarding, as well as, taxing up until and after my delivery? Thanks so much for taking the time to read this mini-novel! Your insight and advice is very much appreciated! Greatly looking forward to your response!