Currently miscarrying but my husband is already talking about trying again…

Candice • 1 son born May 2020 #pandemicbaby Missed miscarriage and D&C 1-2023

So it’s almost 100% confirmed I am having a missed miscarriage. Yesterday my husband and I were discussing D&C versus miscarrying at home. My husband googled D&C and found a risk for future fertility. I told him well that doesn’t matter because I’m never doing this again. He was shocked and said this wasn’t the best time to discuss. Obviously. But we have a beautiful 2.5 year perfect son. I’m 38.5 years old. It took us a year and Clomid to get this pregnancy just to result in a miscarriage. Then after I pass this miscarriage I think you are supposed to wait 3-4 cycles, which then I will be approaching 39 years old!

And my OBGYN said that at my age there is a 50% of miscarriage for pregnancy….so why would I literally roll the dice again? I feel like we should count our blessings, cut our losses, and not risk my health or future children healths.

But maybe I am just sad and emotional. Did anyone else cut their losses? Or how long did you wait to try again?