Advice for a toddler who self harms


Our daughter is going to be 2 in a week. Since about 18 months, when she got upset, she would self harm. It used to be that she would bang her head on whatever she could, now she's started scratching her face. The tiniest thing happening (being told no, a puzzle piece not fitting, dropping her cup), she gets upset and starts scratching her face. When you try to stop her, she'll scratch you and then go back to herself. She doesn't stop even when there is blood running down her cheeks. She is supposed to see a behavioral specialist in a month ( apparently they are super busy, our pediatrician had sent out a referral 2 months ago). The scratching has been getting a lot worse. Has anyone had this problem before with a toddler or have any advice? I've attached some pictures, but they are hard to look at. They are kind of gruesome.