Pretty sure this is it!


So we have been TTC baby #2. First time trying for our son took between 2-3 years so am worried about the journey second time around.

Pretty sure I am 12dpo today. I think I am putting this in the right group. Apologies if I haven't!

I have got what I believe are faint lines on two separate tests. Top one is a cheapie second one is clearblue. Ideally I would have gone for a First response but the shop I went to didn't have them so have some coming tomorrow instead.

I would like to point out the clearblue line came up within the 3 minute window (near enough straight away). I know all about dye runs etc. So believe that isn't what that is.

Can anyone else see what I am seeing! Pretty sure this is evidence albeit faint evidence of baby number 2 brewing!